
Google is Hiring!

Google, the search engine giant is hiring for its engineering facilities in Bangalore and Hyderabad.

The recently opened research and development center in Bangalore is the search engine’s latest full-fledged engineering facility outside its Mountain View headquarters in California.

The company is expected to hire about 100 professionals initially. Google on its website says, “We’re looking to hire talented software engineers, top programmers and visionary computer scientists. The hiring standards in India will be exactly the same as in the US, which includes a rigorous, technical interview.”

The Bangalore office’s charter is to innovate, implement and launch new Google technologies and products. “Anything is fair game and the team here gets to decide its agenda.'’

The focus will be on fundamental areas of computer science, including information retrieval, distributed systems, machine learning, data mining, theoretical computer science, statistics and user interfaces.

The team at Hyderabad will engage in automated and manual client-side testing and will directly interact with the corporation’s Mountain View testing services team on Google products developed all over the world and ensure that their concepts come to fruition.

Google promises a one virtual campus wherein Bangalore professionals can relocate to other centers worldwide. The company also assures that an engineer can rise to be a vice-president “purely based on technical accomplishments. No need to get into management to advance career'’.

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