
How to Use Rapidshare ?

Hi Friends,

I am writing this tutorial for the persons who dont know how to download files from Rapidshare.

For example You get a link like -

(Above Link is Just for Sample, It may not work in Real)

You click on it but nothing happens. You dont know how to download it. Here’s the tutorial on how to do it.

Click on the link or copy and paste into the browser address bar. Let the page open. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the FREE button ( See the Screenshot below)

Click on the Screenshot to have bigger look of above picture

Another page will open. Again go to the bottom of the page. Generally you will get a statement

You have requested the file (flie name) (XXX Bytes).This file has been downloaded 30 times already.
IMPORTANT: Download-accelerators are only supported with a PREMIUM-Account! Download-Ticket reserved.
Please wait 12 seconds. Avoid the need for download-tickets by using a PREMIUM-Account. Instant access!

( See the Screenshot below)

Click on the Screenshot to have bigger look of above picture

Wait for the time whatever it says. Time will reduce slowly like 15, 14, 13, 12, 11.....

The countdown then goes away.Then you get a statement like shown below,
Only free-users: Please enter (code) here

( See the Screenshot below)

Click on the Screenshot to have bigger look of above picture

Enter the code shwon in picture (For example 20x here) and click on the Download from xxx network button next to the text box where you will enter the code. Your download starts

Select the place where you need to save the file on your computer.... DONE..

Common Errors

You may get errors like shown below.

Your IP-address is already downloading a file. You have to wait until it is finished.
Premium-accounts can download many files at the same time. Get your own Premium-Account now. Instant download-access!

This kind of error is generated when you are trying to download from a shared network (Corporate networks, Cybercafes) where network traffic passes through same gateway.


You may also get an error like shown below,

You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?


Try to delete temporary internet files & cookies of your web browser, Try downloading again. Or you may try downloading at different time ( may be after 1 hour)

If you still face any problem please feel free to ask me at -

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info....but i guess more than this...myself and all of the users will be interested to know how can one make use of the premium acount features od rapidshare without subscribing!! Sounds odd right?? but thats what people look out for dear...hope u post some info on this....


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